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Saturday, October 1, 2011

One Very PRECIOUS Reason Not to Adopt Long Distance

My name is Precious, I am a 3 year old tortie, and I have a very important story to share. Late June 2011, I was turned into New York's Animal Control as a stray along with my 5 newborn babies. Then I caught the dreaded cold and I was scheduled to be killed on July 13th. A woman from Michigan was so very determined to adopt me and my babies. Anjellicle Cat Rescue only agreed to help her as she seemed to really care because she drove 10 hours to come pick me up and then 10 hours back to Michigan. 
Sadly 3 of my babies died while in the shelter. Everyone was so happy that it looked liked I had someone who really cared. Little did they know. A few days ago, Anjellicle, was notified that I was dumped at the Michigan Humane Society. I tried to be a good girl but I guess I just wasn't good enough. It's believed that one of my remaining babies died and the other we just don't know where she is. Guess they only wanted me for my babies and nothing else.

When I got dumped at the Michigan shelter I ended up in quarantine because I scratched at someone. They don't know how scared I was. All this traveling from state to state, cages, babies are dead and gone, and I'm in heat again. The nice people at Anjellicle were really upset about me! Someone cared! They couldn't understand why this woman would not have called them rather than dumping me again at a shelter like garbage. They were even going to find someone to come pick me up because I likely would have been killed if I wasn't deemed adoptable.

My quarantine was up September 29th and my new foster family came to get me on September 30th. They live in the same area in Michigan. They made sure that I was spayed before I left, so I wouldn't have to be traumatized much more by going back and forth to the vet's. They already have kitties and doggies in their house! 

Today, I'm sitting in my mom's office at home, with her and my new 23 year old kitty sister, Sammy. My tummy still hurts from my surgery and I'm so scared again. I don't mean to but I hiss and growl only because I'm so afraid something else is going to happen. I can't take much more rejection, cages, traveling and unfamiliar faces that are cold and foreign to me. They gave me a brand new bed that pads my swollen belly. They tell me I'm so special I even get my food and water in Fiestaware bowls! I know the other kitties and doggies want to meet me but they will have to wait a while until I'm feeling much better and have gained some confidence. Somehow, I don't think I'll ever have to leave here. Today I feel so loved, so warm as I bask in the sun, my tummy has been filled with warmed up food, and I know this time I AM safe. 

PLEASE if you ever consider a long distance adoption think twice if not ten times! Precious was lucky only because others cared. Adopt or foster from your own state, there's never a shortage of fuzzlebutts that need help. What happens if they get sick or you don't want them..the rescue in the other state can't get their animals back immediately! This lousy (and I'm being very nice here) adopter cost Anjellicle many hours that could have been put to helping the hundreds of kittens and cats they rescue. This adopter cost them in higher than normal vet fees for being out of state. What you did to Precious and her kittens was nothing short of torture. You only thought of yourself. You only wanted to congratulate yourself on the back for being a hero for saving a cat and her kittens from the e-list. You only wanted a tiny baby to look at. I hate to even think of what happened to this kitten. I suspect nothing good as you refuse to answer anyone's emails. Your refusal to answer much less dumping this girl like yesterday's trash speaks volumes as to your character. Precious has been so traumatized by all of this it will take much time and work to make her feel whole again. May God forgive you for your ignorance. But guess what? Our family is willing and honored to give her this time she needs. We will teach her to feel confident. We will show her what it means to be truly loved. We will deny ourselves in order to make ends meet just to be able to help her. Precious is now HOME!


  1. Bless you for caring for and loving this beautiful little girl.

  2. we have a beautiful torti kitty also, I cannot imagine ever dumping her anywhere!!! Precious is now a loved & lucky kitty:)

  3. Her eyes are beautiful :)

  4. not all are like this bastard when adopting long distance! My Smilla is from
    a spanish killing station (yes they do not even pretend to call it different) and was already marked for killing when being saved. Haku and his siblings are from Teneriffe where someone merely dumped them in a trash container, only Haku survived. And Adele is from Romania, one eyed and almost blind on the other. But guess what, they are my angels and I would never abandon them! Tatjana L.
